11 Apr 2024
April is Stress Awareness month and the theme this year is #littlebylittle. We are going to share some tips to help navigate both yourself and colleagues through stressful times. Stress can impact both individuals and organisations significantly so it’s really worth taking some time to see what can be done to reduce stress and support you and your employees.
Whilst a certain level of stress can help some people to remain motivated and is not in itself a recognised illness, it can still have an impact on someone’s mental and physical health. If excess stress is not managed effectively it can lead to other conditions such as burnout, anxiety and depression. It can also lead to physical symptoms such as back or skin problems.
Stress could be caused by something that has occurred (or is occurring) outside of work (for example a bereavement, divorce, menopause or another significant life change) or inside work (for example by conflicting priorities, too heavy a workload or bullying).
Things to look out for both in yourself and others include:
If you or a colleague seem stressed, then it can be helpful to have an informal chat to help gain an understanding of the problem and what can be done to support them. Quite often, the small positive action of having a brief conversation about it and coming up with a simple action plan will make a huge difference.
Although stress is not an officially recognised illness, there are two parts of legislation that mean that it should not be ignored in the workplace.
In addition to this, employers should ensure that they are adhering to the requirements of the Working Time Regulations (1998) as working long hours without sufficient breaks can lead to stress.
In practice this means that employers should have carried out a risk assessment to identify any risks to health (stress included) and that as a result of this, any identified steps should be taken to address these risks with a review process also built in. The risk assessment will need to be in writing if the organisation has five or more employees.
In addition to this, if an employee alerts the organisation that they are experiencing stress, then an individual risk assessment should also be completed.
In addition to the above, it is also worth remembering that someone with an illness caused by stress may be classed as having a disability as covered by the Equality Act 2010.
It is important that people are able to be open about their feelings of stress so that they can chat this through and get the help they need. Hopefully this conversation and action plan will be sufficient, and their stress will be reduced. However, sometimes people will need to take time off work. Here are some tips for managing stress-related absences:
As we have said in the previous posts in this series, not only is it a legal requirement but it makes good business sense to reduce stress in the workplace for the following reasons:
Drawing from our previous posts on this topic here are some key actions you can take to help reduce/ prevent stress in the workplace: